Discover a Network of Support (2023)

In our inaugural mental health roadshow, we’ve collaborated with mental health organizations to showcase available support networks and resources, fostering awareness within the community. As an extension of our commitment to mental well-being, we’re hosting a workshop focusing on enhancing communication about mental health. Join us in this vital conversation and take a step towards making a difference.

3 to 12 November 2023

Suicide Prevention

Caring for Life Singapore is an organization that aims to support and empower individuals with mental health issues and their families. They provide a range of services including counseling, therapy, support groups, and educational programs to promote mental well-being.

For Family

Through various programs and initiatives, SAMH strives to raise awareness about mental health issues, reduce stigma, and improve the overall well-being of individuals affected by mental illness. Their services include counseling, therapy, vocational training, and community integration programs.

Shine Children and Youth Services strives to create a safe and nurturing environment for young people to reach their full potential. They work closely with schools, community organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure that children and youth receive the support they need. The organization may also collaborate with parents and caregivers to provide them with resources and guidance on how to best support their children’s growth.

The Caregiver Alliance (Singapore) aims to empower caregivers by equipping them with knowledge, skills, and emotional support to effectively care for their loved ones. They believe that caregivers play a crucial role in the well-being of individuals with care needs and should be supported and recognized for their contributions.

Community Wellness

Total Wellness Initiative Singapore (TWIS) aims to encourage and empower the community to take the first step in adopting a more preventive approach by being proactive in caring for themselves using a ten dimension framework, which includes: psychological, physical, spiritual, social, creative, intellectual, environmental, occupational, digital and financial wellness. TWIS hopes to foster a community of holistic wellness advocates who are well versed in helping people navigate and explore their own personalized approach towards safeguarding their wellness and well-being.

Beyond the Label is a campaign launched by the Singapore government to raise awareness about mental health and reduce the stigma surrounding it. It aims to encourage open conversations about mental health, provide support to individuals facing mental health challenges, and promote a society that is inclusive and understanding.

Resilience Collective (RC) is an IPC registered mental health charity powered by peers, for peers. People with mental health conditions are empowered through our resilience education modules which equip peers with recovery strategies and coping mechanisms, and peer support initiatives which see peers supporting each other as they progress ahead in their recovery journeys.

Youth Zone

Allkin Singapore provides casework, counselling and group work services to harness the potential of youth between the ages of 10 and 21. Our programmes and services aim to help youth and their families unleash their hidden potential and overcome challenges related to mental health, substance use, offending behaviours and relationships. Appointed by the Ministry of Social & Family Development as the Integrated Service Provider (ISP) of diversionary programmes that serve at-risk and offending youth, the service also engages youth through Club Infinity – a membership-based, preventive and developmental programme that builds confidence and creativity.

Boys’ Town is a social service agency that works with children, youth and their families. We offer six services namely Clinical Intervention Centre, Adventure Centre, YouthReach, Sanctuary Care, Fostering Services and Residential Services. Through these services, we hope to help children and youth in need become socially integrated, responsible and contributing members of society.

BRB Selfcare is a reputable mental wellness service that provides therapy support, resources, and organizes holistic wellness events for individuals of all ages. With a team of certified therapists, we offer confidential services backed by science, ensuring your mental well-being is prioritized and supported.

CARE Singapore exists to help vulnerable young people find direction, hope and success. We employ a multi-dimensional approach that engages and empowers youths, schools, families and communities.

Growthbeans is a social enterprise that supports the growth and well-being of individuals & leaders in Asia. We provide coaching-infused programs, products and services that equip individuals with compassion and key people skills to grow resiliently, connect authentically, and give meaningfully.

Mental ACT is a nonprofit organisation that provides mental health services and programs for the South Asian community in Singapore. ACT refers to Advocate, Care and Train which serve as our theory of change towards achieving our vision of a stigma-free and empowered community where every individual’s mental health is supported and cared for. Mental ACT provides counselling support, suicide intervention and mental health training for individuals and organisations

Mind what Matters is a private psychology practice that strives to journey with individuals through the ups and downs by providing tailored mental health services sincerely and intentionally. Our services mainly entail individual counselling, psychological assessments, corporate employee assistance programs, training and workshops, as well as mental health related webinars. is a digital stress management platform that aims to empower and equip individuals with tools, knowledge and pathways to self-care and seek out professional help when needed. As an anonymous platform, one of the goals is to destigmatise mental health by creating a safe space for individuals to gain awareness of their state of wellbeing and take active steps towards building good mental health. Another outcome is to promote help-seeking behaviour by creating convenience with which individuals are able to access self-help therapy and get directed to relevant help agencies based on their needs.

Oogachaga is a community-based, non-profit professional organisation working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer & gender-diverse (LGBTQ+) individuals, couples & families in Singapore since 1999.

PSALT Care was set up to support and sustain the recovery journey of persons with mental health issues (PMHI). PSALT Care was founded to help the growing number of PMHI in Singapore, especially those from the low-income group who require ongoing community-based support services and interventions. Our set-up allows recovering PMHI to feel empowered as resilient and productive members of the community. As of FY ended March 2023, PSALT Care has supported over 850 members, whom we refer to as ‘peers’, and more than 1100 beneficiaries.

Our charity focuses on delivering peer-led services in the areas of running peer support groups, recovery-focused therapeutic interventions, psycho-education talks and workshops, counselling, befriending, 1-to-1 peer support and other support services, and recovery-based activities.

Singapore Children’s Society protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. In 2022, the Society reached out to 21,559 children, youth and families in need. Established in 1952, its services have evolved to meet the changing needs of children.

Today, Children’s Society operates more than 10 service centres islandwide, offering services in the four categories of: Vulnerable Children and Youth, Children and Youth Services, Family Services, and Research and Advocacy.

The T Project is the first and only trans-led social service for the transgender community in Singapore.

The Tapestry Project is a registered charity and non-profit organisation that interweaves individuals and communities to deepen capacities for better mental health through the power of “storying”. Founded in 2014 by Nicole K., a writer, narrative therapist and person-in-recovery The Tapestry Project champions authentic first-person Singaporean stories on its digital publication and runs a diverse range of narrative programmes that explore self-care, workplace wellbeing, and youth mental health. Run by trained volunteer facilitators, The Tapestry Project also organises regular community journaling club sessions and writers’ circles to create safe spaces that allow one to discover, articulate and “re-story” the narratives they tell themselves.

A social listening project where anyone can feel listened to in a safe space in Singapore.

MINDSET is a registered charity in Hong Kong founded by Jardine Matheson in 2002, focused on making a positive and sustainable difference in mental health – a vitally important yet under-resourced area of global concern.

With operations in Hong Kong and Singapore, we collaborate with a number of mental health organisations and NGOs, advocacy groups and corporate partners, with the aim of raising awareness and changing perceptions of, and attitudes to, mental health. Our mission is to challenge stigma through the education and empowerment of individuals to enable them to share with, and support, one another. We also provide direct assistance to people with mental ill-health.

Sona is a visual artist and was drawn to art from a very young age. Along the way she learnt sketching , acrylic painting , fabric painting , glass painting , henna art. Whenever there would be a chance in school holidays she would enrol in summer classes for art and even had the good fortune of learning art from the famous Jatin Das.

Besides learning art she has a graduate degree in Chemistry and an undergraduate degree in Education . She has experience as a chemistry teacher for several years and then she left her teaching career to take care of her family.

In 2019 she started learning and teaching art again.She learnt oil and acrylic painting at nafa and also became a Certified Zentangle Teacher in 2020. Sona also brushed up her artistic skills in Mandala art , neurographic art and some traditional art forms like kalamkari art and Gond art.
Sona loves to teach art and is always admired for her patience and encouragement. She practices mindfulness , meditation and is very interested in learning and teaching mindfulness through art.
Sona is very passionate about her artistic journey and makes every piece of art with a lot of love and dedicate. She believes that the process of creating art is a reward in itself.

Sona is also passionate about gender equality . She had an exhibition at her home studio in 2022 at her home studio and donated 50% of the proceeds to AWARE. A NGO committed to gender equality. Also in 2022 she participated in the Global Art Fair at Marina Bay Sands Singapore. In 2023 she participated in the Voice of Art @ The ion Art Gallery Singapore. Art is a full time work and passion for Sona. Each piece is a labour of love.

During my teenage years, I suffered a fractured tailbone, which led to a constant backache when sitting for extended periods. I sought relief through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments for years. However, my back pain worsened as I bore and cared for three children. Stress from work caused sleepless nights. By chance, I discovered yoga while exploring various exercises at a fitness center. Practicing yoga significantly eased my backache and improved my ability to manage the anxiety of juggling motherhood and full-time work. Encouraged by these results, I continued with yoga and even pursued a teaching course. I have since diversified into different forms of yoga to experience the various benefits it offers in different aspects of my life.

Workshop Schedule 2023

Saturday, 4th Nov

2 PM – 3:30PM

Suicide Prevention by Caring For Life

Sunday, 5th Nov

12:30PM – 1:30PM

Art Therapy by SAMH

Monday, 6th Nov

7:30PM – 9PM

Zentangle Session by SONAART

Tuesday, 7th Nov

7:30PM – 9PM

Dimensions TO Wellness by TWIS

Wednesday, 8th Nov

7:30PM – 9PM

Journaling by The Tapestry Project

Thursday, 9th Nov

3PM – 4PM | 7PM – 9PM

Growth Cards & Growth Circles by Growth Beans

Friday, 10th Nov

7:30PM – 9PM

Workplace Burnout by BRB Self Care

Saturday, 11th Nov

2PM – 3:30PM

Listening Sessions by We Are Hear SG

Sunday, 12th Nov

9:30AM – 10:30AM | 11AM – 12PM

Mindfulness Yoga by Kris Ng

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